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Legal Assistance Resources

Publish : 2021-06-13

If you have financial difficulties or need special protection, you can apply for legal assistance.
However, how should I apply? Will it have some cost?

These questions appears, while people look forward to apply for legal aid.
In fact, it is not difficult to apply for legal assistance; most times, you only need to cover partially. In special circumstances, the full amount will be covered.
|Pure oral legal consultation
No status restrictions, no special application required
|Law litigation, mediation, reconciliation, contract writing
Need to have one of the following identities:
● Economic difficulties
1. Low-income households, middle-low-income households
2. Families in special circumstances: the income is slightly higher than that of low- and middle-income households, but there are cases of domestic violence and single parent support
3. The self-defining standards of inability which defined by the law
● Special protection is necessary
1. Committing a crime with the lightest sentence of more than 3 years without the assistance of a lawyer
2. Aboriginal status without the assistance of a lawyer
3. The disability cannot be fully stated, and there is no lawyer's assistance
4. People over 12 but under 18 without the assistance of a lawyer
5. Major public welfare and socially eye-catching cases have undergone legal support resolutions.
#You can ask the legal aid foundation whether it meets the standards
If you are not sure about facing the legal issues and whether you can apply for assistance under your own conditions, you may wish to seek legal advice from the Legal Aid Foundation to confirm that your legal issues and income meet the legal assistance standards, so that you will not lose your legal rights!
Hualien Branch
Phone: (03)822-2128
E-mail: hualien@laf.org.tw
Address: No. 12-1, Shunxing Road, Hualien City, 970020

2. National Dong Hwa University Legal Service Agency
contact method:
Address: No. 1, Section 2, Daxue Road, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County
FB Fan Page: Search for "Ndhu-LawserviceClub"
Fax: 038635660
Note: You can ask questions by fax and FB message. Face-to-face interviews are available, but an appointment is required!

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