

發佈 : 2025-02-14
東華大學 16 週學期調查

📢 東華大學若調整為 16 週上課,您支持嗎?

日前本校行政會議已初步討論是否將學期調整為 16 週,但最終決策仍需廣納學生意見。

近年來,國內許多大學已調整為一學期 16 週,主要考量包括:

  • 國際接軌:許多國際知名大學採用 16 週學期制,有助於學生交換、雙聯學位及學術合作。
  • 提升彈性:縮短學期可讓學生擁有更長的寒暑假,利於實習、研究、打工、休息等。

然而考量到現行《大學法施行細則》仍規定每學分應修滿 18 小時為原則,若要實施應提出相應之配套措施,及完成校內共識及報教育部同意等程序。


📲 立即填寫問卷

📆 問卷截止日:2025 年 2 月 24 日


📢 Would You Support NDHU Adjusting to a 16-Week Semester?

A preliminary discussion on adopting a 16-week semester was recently held during the university’s administrative meeting. However, the final decision requires extensive student feedback.

In recent years, many universities in Taiwan have adopted a 16-week semester. The main considerations include:

  • International Alignment: Many internationally renowned universities follow a 16-week semester system, which facilitates student exchange, dual-degree programs, and academic collaboration.
  • Increased Flexibility: A shorter semester gives students longer summer and winter breaks, providing more opportunities for internships, research, part-time jobs, and rest.

However, according to the current Enforcement Rules of the University Act, each credit hour must consist of at least 18 hours of instruction. Implementing a 16-week semester requires corresponding supporting measures, internal consensus, and approval from the Ministry of Education.

The Student Association has created a survey to collect your opinions. We sincerely invite you to participate and help shape NDHU’s future together!

📲 Take the Survey Now

📆 Survey Deadline: February 24, 2025

📍 This is an anonymous survey. Each student can submit the survey once using their university account. Real-time results will be available.

NDHU 16週學期調查宣傳圖
單位: 行政中心