
學權部 | 垃圾車時間調整

發佈 : 2025-02-14
學權部 | 垃圾車時間調整

📢 學權部 | 垃圾車時間調整


在 12/30 由學權部發起的垃圾車時間調整意見調查中(填寫人數263人),超過七成的同學支持調整時間。


因此自 2月17日 起,垃圾車清運時間將變更為附圖所示的新時段,請大家不要記錯喔!


📢 Garbage Collection Schedule Adjustment

Starting February 17, the garbage collection schedule will be adjusted!

In the survey on garbage collection time adjustment initiated by the Student Association Student Rights Department on December 30 (with 263 respondents), more than 70% of students supported the change.

The Student Rights Department has compiled the students' opinions and submitted a formal request to the Environmental Protection Unit.

Therefore, starting from February 17, the garbage collection schedule will be changed to the new time slots shown in the attached images. Make sure to remember the new schedule!

Thanks to every student who participated in the survey, and also to the Students Dormitory Committee and the Environmental Protection Group of the General Affairs Office for their assistance.

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單位: 行政中心